David went to American Science and Surplus and got Hannah some "bugs"; I can't remember where the boat came from. She took out some Waffle blocks and built them a home and playground with a slide!
Easter morning "plunder."
Train ride at the zoo.
One of the zoo crafts availabe; bunny ears.
She made her own easter basket.
This guy had her smell the carrot and after that, everything smelled like a carrot!
3rd annual!
Doing a 24 piece puzzle with Daddy
Learning to set the table. She really likes doing it.
I pulled out my guitar and she is having more fun with it than I ever imagined! I haven't played in over 25 years.
Playing a little soccer at Kids Fest. She "won" a medal!
Kids Fest.
Puppet show play area at Kids Fest. She had so much fun there!
Aluminum tins had colors on the bottom to match with ball colors. She chose tongs to lift them up. Other kitchen utensils were available. Kids Fest
Kids Fest; too cute!
Irish Dancing!
Digging in sand for keys to open a "treasure box." She got something from it, but I can't remember what anymore.
Kids Fest
Kids Fest. Spin the wheel, win a prize.
Berenstain Bears visit Kids Fest before the doors officially openend.